Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book: Liberation of the Soul

Started reading today.

Professor Stanley White wrote this book in the early 1970s as an introduction to the basic principles of Sant Mat, the teachings of the saints.... In those days many of the students of the West were questioning the value systems which had underpinned their society for decades. Some "dropped out" of the system and set themselves to establish a counter-culture; some explored the world on mind-expanding drugs in the hope of enhancing their understanding of life; some turned their backs on their own religion and traveled to the East in search of a spiritual path which might reveal the purpose of the creation, and thus infuse their lives with meaning. Professor White was fortunate to have discovered such a path. He had been blessed by coming in contact with a perfect living Master, Huzur Maharaj Charan Singh, who initiated him into Surat Shabd Yoga, the science of the soul.... It is our earnest hope that this book will guide the young seeker of spirituality today just as it has guided many since it was first published. --- excerpts from Preface to revised edition.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I made my first karaoke video!

I am an avid fan of Jessica Simpson so I made my first videoke version of Irresistible:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Book: The Year She Fell by Alicia Rasley

I just finished The Year She Fell by Rasley, Alicia on Kindle for Android!

The tragic mystery at the heart of their family has finally surfaced . . . When Ellen Wakefield O'Connor is confronted by a young man armed with a birth certificate that mistakenly names her as his mother, she quickly sorts out the truth: his birth mother listed Ellen on the certificate to cover up her own identity, but also because Ellen is, in a way, related to the child. The birth father is Ellen's troubled husband, Tom. The secrets of the past soon engulf Ellen, Tom, and everyone they love.

- keeps you reading page after page.